Good morning!
We are moving on to Day 3 here at Inked 2014 (our official hash tag is #inked14), but here's a quick recap of what happened yesterday...
Our Worship Leader, Eric, and his wife Kristin and the band brought us to the throne room with timely Worship and open hearts. We heard from Kelly and read through 2 Samuel in the morning, then in the evening session learned how powerful prayer is when we tap into God's Presence (Eph 3).
Break outs were during the afternoon...
"Girls Only"- Our ladies heard from Kristin Yeldell on what true friendship looks like.
"Doubts"- Pastor Brian had an open discussion where students could ask hard questions they had about their faith.
"Moving Beyond Belief"- Pastor Flaviu took students to a deeper level, talking about the importance of faith in action.
"Epic Fail"- Our college Pastor Rando and our college intern, Logan, talked about the fact that
everybody fails at some point, but it's what you do and how you get up and go from there that makes the difference.
Rec was fun! We had a mass game of soccer (with a few alterations) and got to enjoy the beach for a few minutes before we heard some thunder and had to head indoors. Free time was finished out with a movie in the Ballroom before we headed to dinner.
Evening Worship went well, and sparked some great discussions for Family Group.
Our Late Night Event was off-site bowling! Our awesome bus drivers took us to Ormond Beach Lanes, and Rec teams bowled for highest score, lowest score, fastest finished.
And now we're up and ready to hear from our own courageous Pastor Kevin Miller in morning Worship! Watch for today's recap in the morning!
Much love from all the awesome students here in Daytona!
Your HSM Team